Cowichan Valley Regional District - Bonsall Creek Detailed Definition of the Subsurface Aquifers and

GW Solutions has provided a detailed definition of the subsurface aquifers and groundwater regime to a multi-disciplinary team in support of a long-term watershed and land use planning project. GW Solutions developed a 3D conceptual model (using leapfrog hydro) of watersheds and aquifers and used this to characterize the groundwater flow regime, recharge and discharge and seasonal flooding. As a follow-up to this project GW Solutions collaborated further with Northwest Hydraulics Consulting (NHC) to derive a quantitative assessment of the interaction between the Chemainus aquifer and Whitehouse and Bonsall Creeks by calculating a groundwater-surface water flux using available data together with hydrological and hydrogeological models. This effort will support planning around land use, water allocation and water management strategies within the Municipality of North Cowichan.
The Bonsall Creek Watershed is located slightly north of the Malahat FN territory.