Department of Fisheries and Oceans - Conuma River Hatchery
GW Solutions, when completing a new 12-inch production well (PW7-2015-GWS-12In) at the Conuma River hatchery, observed that some of the wells (Well #1 to Well #6) were not being used to their full capacity. Hence, GW Solutions proposed to assess the aquifer underlying the Conuma River hatchery.
This assessment by GW Solutions included the following tasks:
Carry out a topographic survey to determine well head elevations;
Gather information regarding well completion details;
Download data regarding water levels and pumping rates for the last three years of operation;
Assess water levels in all of the wells and analyze trends;
Assess pumping rates including estimating maximum potential well yields;
Characterize the aquifer by determining its’ physical hydrogeological properties, such as transmissivity and storativity.