Review of Ajax Mine Application
GW Solutions has been retained by the Stk’emlupsemc Te Secwepemc Nation (SSN) to review the application submitted by KGHM Ajax Mining Inc. to develop, construct, operate, close, decommission, and reclaim the proposed Ajax mine. GW Solutions has focused its review on adequacy of the methodology, data, interpretation, and conclusions of the EIA with the objectives of identifying information that should have been collected, and flaws in interpretation and conclusions.
The proposed mining of a 450 m deep and 2 km long open pit is of a particular concern due to its proximity to Jacko Lake which has a high ecological and spiritual value for the SSN. GW Solutions has reviewed the data provided by the proponent and has identified a lack of characterisation of the groundwater regime and the misinterpretation of pumping test data. A recharge boundary that could be associated with a direct connection between Jacko Lake and the open pit was identified by GW Solutions. This important information was not identified by KGHM. The project is going through an EA/CEAA review process, in addition to be under internal review by SSN.
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