Yellow Point Ventures

Yellow Point Ventures is developing Phase 2 of the proposed subdivision at 3850 Yellow Point Road, Cedar, BC. Phase 2 involves the development of six news lots ranging in size from 2 hectares to 10 hectares each with an individual water source.
The objectives of GW Solutions’ work have been to:
Meet the quantity and quality requirements as outlined by the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) Bylaw 1215 Section 8.3 (b) that states:
“Where groundwater is proposed as a source of domestic water within a proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall provide:
A well on each new parcel, capable of providing a minimum per minute yield of 4.5 litres (1 imperial gallon - 1.2 USgpm) based on tests done between June 1st and November 1st (summer testing) and 9 liters (2 imperial gallons – 2.4 USgpm) based on tests done between November 2nd and May 31st (winter testing).
A well on each new parcel capable of producing a minimum daily yield of 2,273 litres and a letter from a certified well driller or a professional engineer with groundwater assessment experience stating the well is adequate for domestic use.
A groundwater capability report, prepared by a professional engineer with groundwater assessment experience, which provides a reasonable assurance that all parcels in the subdivision will be capable of supporting wells capable of producing the minimum water yields required in 8.3(b)(i) above.”
Assess the impact of the development on the capacity of area to allow for groundwater recharge as per Bylaw 1497 Section 3.7.4 (b. ii) that states:
“ii) a report on the water requirements, waste disposal requirements and potential impact of project on the groundwater recharge area”
As part of GW Solutions’ assessment, the following tasks were completed:
Review background information on wells and aquifers;
Collect background water levels;
Supervision of six, 24-hour pump tests;
Data analysis and interpretation;
Final Report.